Breakup with your's cheating on you.
You have to face facts that your password is easy! Literally. And you have no idea who has been running around with your password over the last year and a half. Take this opportunity to make a change - now that you know the truth - and secure yourself a much better password. And don’t worry about the old password; it has cheated (at least) once, and it will cheat again.
You love your password.
You use it on every platform you can imagine: Your email, online banking and even Facebook! You are so happy every time you think about your password, you can never imagine changing it.
But what you don’t realize is, while you are caught up in those tingly feelings of love, and that false sense of security that you can always rely on your password to work, your password has been cheating on you.
You have to face facts that your password is easy! Literally. And you have no idea who has been running around with your password over the last year and a half. Take this opportunity to make a change - now that you know the truth - and secure yourself a much better password. And don’t worry about the old password; it has cheated once, and it will cheat again. (You’ve got 99 problems, but your password’s not one of them).
How to break up and move on to something better:
Breakups are tough, but I guarantee you that once you see there are better passwords out there (that are tough and have your best interest at heart) you will get over the breakup quickly.
It’s Complicated.
A good password is one that is complex and something you can remember. Finding that sweet spot can be hard sometimes, but I promise it’s necessary. Try using a passphrase. A passphrase is a combination of words used to create a sentence that generates complex, long passwords that are easy to memorize.
For example: Che@t=r (i.e. Cheater…see how easy?)It’s not for life.
Don’t grow too attached to your new passwords – you’ll be breaking up frequently. So, how often should you change your password? We recommend at least every six months, if not more. Mix it up, don’t give your password time to cheat on you again.
Adopt long passphrases.
Size does matter. We recommend you use at least 16 characters for your password. Once you hit the 12 – 16 range, you make it WAY harder for cyber criminals to use brute force or guess your password.
For example: myV@lentin3 does little for protection compared to a passphrase like hewill%cheaton*yout00.Don’t ever take that password back.
If your password cheated on you once, don’t give it another chance to do it to you again! A new, long passphrase is exactly what you need! Meaning, do not reuse old passwords because they’re comfortable. There’s a reason they’re in your past. Leave them there.
Make online security a lifetime love affair to protect yourself. You are worth it!
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